Login Requirements for E-Sign

    Encyro provides you multiple login settings to help increase the security of the documents being sent for electronic signatures and to enhance the non-repudiation protection for each signer. Requiring a login in addition to the email link click helps ensure that the signer signing the document is indeed the intended person.

    The login options may be changed on the New E-Sign Request screen.

    1. Click More Options just below the box to type an e-mail introduction.
    2. Edit the requirements under the heading Login Requirements.

    Three login options are available.

    1. None: This is similar to most other electronic signature providers. The email link received by the signer in their email inbox is sufficient to access the document and sign it. With this option, if the signer does not have an Encyro account, only someone with access to the signer’s email inbox can sign. If the signer has an Encyro account, they may access the e-sign request in their account (with a login), or use the email link (without a login).

    2. If have a login: With this option, any signer without an Encyro account can still access and sign the document without any login. However, this option enhances the security for signers who have an Encyro account already. Any documents sent to them for signing will not be accessible simply through the email link. Upon clicking the email link, they must login (with a password, or with Google/Facebook) before accessing the document to be signed.

    3. All: All signers will be required to login. Recipients who do not have an Encyro account already, will be asked to enter a new password (this creates their Encyro account). Subsequent e-sign requests to such signers will then require the same password.

    Note: The login options for electronic signature requests are separate from your compliance settings for secure messages. Even if you have, or have not, allowed secure message access without a password, you may use any of the above login options and that option will be respected for the corresponding e-sign request.

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